Thank you for attending Team Building From Six Feet Apart

The Zoom Recording from Teambuilding from Six Feet June 11, 2020

Experiential Activities with Physical Distancing
Thank you for attending my Zoom session on Team Building From Six Feet Apart earlier today!  I hope you were able to get some good tips and tricks for leading experiential activities for physical distancing considerations with your audience.
Here is a link to the recording.  

Team Building From Six Feet Apart
Link to download the Handout.
All other links and activities mentioned in the video are included in the handout as hyperlinks. This activities in this video were designed to help facilitators, trainers and teachers transition back to in-person events after Social Distancing during the Covid-19 era.  
Please keep in mind that what is shared here is not gospel, and that not all of the activities listed here will work with every audience. Please adapt and change what you learn here to meet the needs of your participants and parameters. 
There are many additional things to consider for team building with physical distancing practices. It requires some creativity, re-imagining and redesigning, all while keeping the integrity of the program intact. We will continually have to think about ways to increase engagement with set boundaries in an environment where humans are naturally drawn to one another. As the need for physical distancing delivery increases, I will continue to put out more content on my Blog as well as in my Free Online Newsletter called The Spokesperson. 
Here is a link to the Training Wheels website
A Big Shout Out to many facilitators that assisted with the activities to include in this document, especially those that came to the in-person brainstorming session.  (Chris, Deb, West, Kristina, Aileen, Kim, Linda, G, and Anna) 
Please let me know if you have any additional questions about any of the content I covered today.  Best wishes to everyone in this odd time in history.  Be healthy, be safe and remember that spending time in nature can be very healing for the soul.

Have fun out there, 

Michelle Cummings
Owner/Trainer/Big Wheel
Training Wheels