Have you ever.. wanted to learn how to lead experiential activities and programs? Join Training Wheels staff for a facilitator training that will be like none other you have participated in. Our Experiential Facilitation 101 course teaches the foundational skills necessary for facilitators. Each skill learned in the class is taught through an experiential activity. You not only learn the skill necessary to lead effectively, but you also learn a new activity that you can use with your participants.
The course includes 45 different facilitation skills and concepts, all taught through experiential activities.
We currently have two versions of this course, a Classroom-Based course, and an Online Course. We can also bring this course to your organization with a minimum of 10 participants.
Would you like to teach this course to others? You can become certified to teach the Experiential Facilitation 101 course. Once certified, you must purchase one Participant Kit for each participant that goes through the class. Participant Kits are $150 each.
Certification Cost: $4500