Virtual Team Building Games

The Spokesperson Newsletter from April 22, 2020

Virtual Team Building Games
Hello facilitator friends!
It’s now been about six weeks since Colorado issued it’s stay-at-home orders (which is where I live).  Since then it’s been a whirlwind of creating and sharing as many Virtual Team Building games as my fast little fingers could type out!  I will admit that up until six weeks ago I would have considered myself a ‘slow adopter’ to the Virtual Team Building world.  Now I can say I’ve embraced it and actually liking it now.  (What!?!)  It’s sparked a creativity bug in me that has been dormant for a little while.  I’m also loving how open the facilitator community has been with sharing ideas and successes.  A BIG thanks to so many of you that have been so giving of your time and talents.  Kudos!
Last week I lead another Zoom session on More Virtual Team Building Games (Part 2) and over 1,000 people registered!  Wow!  (and a big WELCOME! to our new facilitators that found me through these sessions.)  It focused on different games than the first session (Part 1).  If you missed last week’s session, here is the recording.  Here is a link to the free downloadable handout that accompanies this workshop.  Feel free to share this with anyone who might be interested.  
Tomorrow I’m leading another new Zoom session with everything I’ve been working on since the last session. Virtual Team Building Games – Part 3 –  will be Thursday April 23 at 2:00pm MT / 4:00pm ET.  This will focus on different activities than the first two sessions as I continue to tweak and convert activities to fit a virtual audience. (and learn activities from others!)  I’ve also been working on more ‘real time’ team activities that everyone can access at the same time, rather than one person controlling a screen and everyone else verbally guiding.  I’m LOVING some of these new tweaks and can’t wait to share them with you!  Registration required to reserve your spot and is limited to 1,000 people (over 500 have already registered!).  I anticipate it filling up so if you want to participate in the live version register soon!  Click here to register for Virtual Team Building Activities – Part 3.  I will record the session and share it on our social media channels and in the newsletter next week.
I’m working on the handout for the Part 3 session and will share it out as soon as it’s finished.   Many thanks to those that have sent in activity ideas and volunteered to help me practice on various platforms.  I love this community and the willingness to share! 
And three last things:
1.  I’ve had several people inquire about hiring me to help them design and build out their Virtual Team Building programs.  I’d be happy to discuss this with you!  Just shoot me an email and we can discuss rates and time needed.
2.  We’re closing in on the final days of my Online Experiential Facilitation 101 course at 50% off until April 30.  This course teaches 45 essential facilitation skills through experiential activities.  It’s a self-paced course that teaches a plethora of tools, techniques and philosophies within experiential facilitation.  Just enter the code ‘supportlearning‘ when checking out and it will apply the discount.  Also, if you work for an organization or university/college that would be interested in offering this course, email me back and we can set up a time to discuss it in more detail.   

3.  As a reminder, our warehouse is still open to ship orders!  Not many people know this, but we operate Training Wheels on our property, so since we’re still at home, I can still ship orders out!  I haven’t run the shipping department in a looooong time, but I still remember how to do it!  I have great people employed that usually do this for me now, but for the short-term yours truly is more than willing to ship you any activities or props you may need.  So if you have budget dollars you need to spend or any needs for support materials, I would love any support you can give to my small business so I can keep my staff employed for the long run.  Thank you!  

Best wishes to everyone in this odd time in history.  Be healthy, be safe and remember that spending time in nature can be very healing for the soul.

Have fun out there, 

Michelle Cummings
Owner/Trainer/Big Wheel
Training Wheels