Staying Connected with Inspirational Quotes

The Spokesperson Newsletter from December 16, 2020

Hi friend!
How’s your relationship with your team going? Have you been good at regular check-ins lately? I will admit that I have had a hard time re-engaging after the Thanksgiving break. I think it’s partially screen burnout, and partially getting tired of not having a change of scenery. I usually put 100,000 miles on an airplane each year, and I miss having variety in my day-to-day schedule. I had a 26 day stretch of 2-3 presentations a day leading up to the break, and that really took a toll on me.
So what can I do about it? Keep finding opportunities to engage with others, create new things and learn new skills. I thrive when those things happen. And I’m guessing you do, too. It’s probably one of the reasons why you opt to receive this newsletter… to get new ideas so you can engage with your clients, your staff, your families and even yourself, or to get inspiration or a tip or trick that adds a little more magic to your work.
The quote at the beginning of this newsletter is one of my all time favorites. “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.” by Zig Ziglar. It just love it. It makes me smile and giggle each time I see it. I love using quotes in my work. I draw inspiration from other great leaders and people, so it’s natural to use them in experiential programs. I threw together a quick video to explain a quote activity I like to use with my own staff that uses a card set from our Your Turn At the Wheel Series: Questions that Drive Meaningful Conversations. These are our Inspirational Quote Wheelies. I also talk about ‘Slang Flashcards‘ which I don’t carry on my online store, but they are a personal favorite. Check it out:
Invite participants to bring a pair of dice with them to your virtual meeting, or use an Online Dice Roller.Give this activity a try! Test it out with your family this holiday and see what new things you can learn about the people who have known you your entire life. I promise you will learn something new about them!
Lastly, I’m getting a website makeover right now, and I cannot wait to show you some of the new features it will have. We’re working on a ‘Virtual Playground’ where you can safely bring your teams, families, classrooms, kids, clients, etc. for simple, virtual icebreakers and activities. I had a meeting with the design team yesterday and over and over again I heard them say, “Man, I love the way your brain works! We’ve never had this much fun building a website before.” So if I can infuse some fun into a website coder’s work, you know it’s going to be good! We hope to roll it out early in the new year. Stay tuned!

Have Fun Out There,

Michelle Cummings
Founder / Facilitator / Big Wheel
Training Wheels