It is finished… I’m not sure if my Grandma Mac blessed me or cursed me with this project, but it has been a labor of love. When she was still living at home (the home I’m now restoring), we went through her recipe box together and she told me stories about all her favorite recipes. I jotted down notes of how she acquired each recipe, stories of family get togethers she took specific dishes to, and what family members loved specific recipes.

When she moved to the nursing home she begged me to put together a family cookbook. I promised her I would. Thankfully I had kept all my notes and threw together something simple so she could see it before she passed. That was 15 years ago…
Every December I spend a few weeks of my life working on this project. I’ve done this for the last 15 years. I get out the hundreds of recipes, photos and newspaper clippings she left me to include in the document. I hound my relatives for their favorite recipes to include and a photo or two of their families. I sleuth through their old Facebook photos and snag ones I don’t have or will work well in the genealogy section. Almost every family member has their own recipe included, even the youngest that was born in October! If they don’t have a recipe it’s because they didn’t submit one, and believe me I asked! (And they are probably tired of me asking!). Every December I swear this will be the year I finally finish it… and this year was finally that year. Final project, 368 pages. What a beast!

I have poured a lot of heart and soul into this project. I was fortunate to have met and remember both of my great-grandmothers on the McMullen and Conard side. Digging though their lineage and information brought me closer to them again, and hopefully generations to come will know them, their families and extended families through this piece. I’m so relieved it is finished and off to the printers. My family members should expect to see them within the next week or two. I’m going to host a big family Zoom meeting and hopefully everyone will show up and share their thoughts.

The cookbook won’t be for sale as it’s a unique document for my family and includes birthdates, marriage dates and other family information. I’ve included some photos to give you a sneak peek at this labor of love.