Register for our Facilitator Virtual Scavenger Hunt!

The Spokesperson Newsletter from May 20, 2020

Facilitator Virtual Scavenger Hunt

Hello facilitator friends!

Tomorrow is World Day for Cultural  Diversity.  Truth be told, I didn’t even know this was a thing until this year.  So I decided to celebrate in style!  I’m hosting the very first Facilitator Virtual Scavenger Hunt tomorrow!  I hope you will join me and facilitators all around the world as we explore how to build out team building events online.  The last few weeks I’ve been busy building out Virtual Scavenger Hunts for a few clients that include Icebreakers, Team Building Activities and lots of debriefing.  Many of the activities I’ve shared in my Virtual Team Building Zoom sessions are the activities I’ve incorporated into these hunts.  Team activities like Word Circles and Puzzle Slides have been included, and I’ve also had groups deciphering Morse Code to then search Google Earth for specific coordinates to find a unique rooftop for a clue.  I make sure we incorporate debriefing activities and movement activities throughout the hunt to ensure it wasn’t just a Team Bonding experience, that there is true experiential learning and fun along the way. I still facilitate the process with the group so it isn’t too unlike what I would do if we were all in the same room.  There’s adventure, problem-solving, process, communication skills and other directly relatable, transferable learning back to the real world.  
Now I want to teach you how to do this yourself!  Join me and facilitators all around the world as we explore how to build out team building events online.  The Facilitator Virtual Scavenger Hunt is tomorrow, May 21,  at 3:00pm MST / 5:00pm ET.    In true experiential fashion, you will first participate in the scavenger hunt as a participant.  Then we will dissect the hunt process and I’ll show you the ‘back end’ of the event.  The hunt itself takes about 60-70 minutes to complete, then I anticipate another 30-45ish minutes to show you the back end.  (I know this is a long time to be in an online meeting, but I promise you it will be worth it.)
The fee for participation in this event will be $20 per person.  You will first purchase the Facilitator Virtual Scavenger Hunt registration from our website, then we will send you the registration information.  We will not be sharing the recording of this session publicly, so the only way to access the content is though this process.  We will share the recording with those that register, even if you cannot attend the live event.  Registration will close at 12:00pm MST on May 21, so register early to avoid missing out!  This allows for a small buffer to make sure everyone gets their registration confirmation from us.
I have one person in particular to thank for being an excellent role model for me in the Scavenger Hunt world, Dave Blum.  Dr Clue as he is commonly referred to, has built out over 150 in-person Scavenger Hunts all over the world.  Dave and I met at a conference over a decade ago, and we have stayed in touch over the years.  He has also built out a few Virtual Scavenger Hunts.  Please check his site out!New podcast debuting next week!
ANNOUNCEMENT!  I also have a fun announcement to make….  My good friend and colleague Christ Cavert and I have been working behind the scenes the last few months on a new PODCAST!  We’ve used this odd time in history with social distancing to record multiple episodes of a new weekly podcast we’re calling, Ask Michelle & Chris About Team Building.  This weekly podcast will field questions from team builders all over the world.   Between the two of us, we have over 50 years of combined team building and training experience and have written over 20 publications. We both have traveled the world to help team builders get better at what they do best – lead powerful team building programs. I’m so excited!  We will be launching next week, and we will have a place for you to submit any question you want to ask us. Stay tuned for more information on where you can access this podcast.
HANDOUT ALERT!  If you are new to this newsletter and want to watch the recordings from the past three Zoom sessions on Virtual Team Building Games, you can find them on our YouTube Channel.  Feel free to hit the ‘subscribe’ button so you get a notification whenever we upload a new video!  Here is a link to the free downloadable handouts that accompany the workshops, including the most recent session on Virtual Team Building Activities – Part 3.  Feel free to share this with anyone who might be interested.  
Best wishes to you and your loved ones to be healthy, safe and to be virtually connected.  

Have fun out there, 

Michelle Cummings
Owner/Trainer/Big Wheel
Training Wheels