Tips for Trainers – An end of an era…

An end of an era…Michael Sherwood

Have You Ever played the game Have You Ever?

Have you ever… ordered anything from our online store?
Have you ever… wondered who ships out your orders?
Have you ever… retired at the age of 65 but still wanted to keep working?
Have you ever… served in the US Military?
Have you ever… been so thankful to someone for 11 amazing years of service.
Have you ever… known deep down to your bones that you are going to miss someone more than they will know…

Michael Sherwood has worked for Training Wheels for 11 years as our warehouse manager. He’s been the ‘Axel’ of the machine that is the Training Wheels Online Store! He’s now 76 years old and thinks he actually wants to retire! We will miss Michael so very much.

Michael, here’s a very small list of the things we will miss about you… We will miss your attention to detail, your ornery sense of humor, your northeastern accent that has you end words with an ‘r’ sound (Linda/Linder), and your OCD-ness for having an EXACT SPOT where your box cutter rests at your work station. We’ll also miss the way you put on your ‘Mr Rogers’ sweater every time you come to work, the silly way you listen to a different radio station every day of the week (and then you switch it to my favorite if I’m in the warehouse that day), the way you say ‘I hope so!’ when you hear someone say ‘See you tomorrow!’, and the way you yell ‘MICHELLE!’ when I purposely move or hide your box cutter… These are just a few of the many things we will miss about you. Your hard work and devotion to Training Wheels has been such a gift. We will miss you so much! Enjoy playing with your grandkids.

Please join me in wishing Michael Sherwood a wonderful second retirement!


Have fun out there,
Michelle Cummings
Owner/Trainer/Big Wheel
Training Wheels