Letter Swap
Purpose/Focus: Introductions or Reflection
Props Needed: CrowdWords cards
Grouping: 10+ people
Overview: Get to know people through random discussion starters.
Facilitation Process:
- Each Participant is given a CrowdWords card to start the exercise.
- When the activity starts, participants will eventually exchange their CrowdWords card with each new partner they meet.
- Ask participants to find a partner and use their card to serve as the starting point for a number of possible conversation topics such as:
- Starting letter for an adjective describing themselves.
- Starting letter for something representative of their hometown.
- Starting letter for an element of their favorite cuisine.
- Starting letter for a word representing a skill they can bring to the group.
- Starting letter for a word representing a skill they saw in someone else.
- Starting letter for a word representing something they hope to learn.
- Starting letter for a word representing something they learned about themselves.
Once each person has shared, they will exchange cards and find a new partner. they will use their new card to shape their new conversation.
Tips for Success & Troubleshooting:
- Change the topics of conversation periodically. This keeps the topics moving and allows for greater depth.
- As the facilitator, it is advised to pull the letters x, y & z out of the options as these are hard to use in this context.
Purchase the full CrowdWords book and card set at Training Wheels