Tips for Trainers – Personify Leadership Business Planning Meeting

Personify Leadership Business Planning Meeting

Today’s tip is short and sweet as I am writing this late on Tuesday evening. This week I happen to be in Ft Lauderdale, FL for my annual Business Planning meeting for Personify Leadership with my business partner, Angela Sebaly and the rest of our Personify team. We are spending 3 days together focusing on the goals and business objectives we want to accomplish in 2017. I am so excited for all we have in store for next year! Being a visionary, big-thinker kind of person, I thrive on collaborating with others and setting realistic, tangible goals for us to accomplish. It’s a palpable process. If you are even slightly curious about what Personify Leadership is, or how you–a facilitator just like me–could use the Personify Leadership program with your organization, please hit ‘reply’ to this email and let’s set up a time to connect. I would love to share more with you about what it is and how it can change the lives of the leaders and organizations you work with. Please read below for more information!

Have fun out there,
Michelle Cummings
Owner/Trainer/Big Wheel
Training Wheels

Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer
Personify Leadership

Personify Leadership

Personify Leadership is a two-day leadership development program based on 8 core competencies. In this highly interactive and engaging program, your leaders will learn practical and hands-on tools for leading in your organization.
Train the Trainer Certification

Interested in being certified to deliver the Personify Leadership program? Once you have been through the certification process, there is no limit to how many times you can deliver the training. Certification includes all program materials, facilitation guide, power point presentations and an experiential training kit. Moving forward, for each person you put through the program you purchase one Participant Kit that includes a participant guide, job aids, and a profile report. Certification is $3450, and you can recoup your investment in the first time you deliver the course. Please email or call me if you would like to discuss this in greater detail!

Here are our upcoming dates:
February 13-16 2017 Singapore
February 27-March 2 Chicago, IL
April 17-20, 2017 Denver, CO
May 25-26, June 15-16 Atlanta, GA
June 19-22, 2017 Ft Lauderdale, FL
July 17-20, 2017 Houston, CO
September 18-21, 2017 Denver, CO
November 13-16, 2017 Ft Lauderdale, FL
Click here to register.