Tips for Trainers – Facilitator Tip: Goal Setting

Facilitator Tip: Goal Setting

Happy New Year!

One of my favorite parts of January (aside from my birthday!) is hanging up a pristine new calendar and seeing the big blank year ahead of me. It’s a little like holding the New Year’s clean slate right in my hands, just waiting to be written. As I jot down the birthdays and family get togethers, I also take an afternoon to frame up a larger view of what I’d like to accomplish in the year ahead. My husband and I spent several hours this last Monday with last year’s calendar, reviewing accomplishments and set backs and from 2016 and made our personal and business goals for the next year. It’s always one of my favorite afternoons of the year. This year we also sat down with our boys, ages 12 & 14, and had them do the same thing. It was fun to see and hear what they want to accomplish this year, and get their feedback on their parents goals as well!
2017 Goal SettingDylan Goal Setting

I rarely make Resolutions anymore, but I do take time to reflect on the previous year and set goals for the new year. We have some fun ways we are going to ‘leave tracks’ this year, what will you do? What ways do you want to grow? How do you want your facilitation skills to evolve?

I hope that your 2017 stars out fabulously and that you will consider Cycling Beyond the Ordinary with Training Wheels this year. Whether it’s with new gear from our Online Store, a Team Development Training for your staff, or coming to a Workshop I’m presenting, I hope that Training Wheels is in your plans for 2017. Thanks for being a Spokesperson!
Have fun out there,
Michelle Cummings
Owner/Trainer/Big Wheel
Training Wheels