On The Level
Type of Activity: Processing Some simple props can help participants frame a review session. Here, a common hardware tool is used to identify a category
Type of Activity: Processing Some simple props can help participants frame a review session. Here, a common hardware tool is used to identify a category
Pocket Processor – Human Continuum Type of Activity: Processing Activity, Perspective Set Up: Put a line down the center of the room with a rope.
Type of Activity: Processing Tool Props Needed: Pocket Processor Cards Concept: The Pocket Processor is a processing tool based on the theory of the yin
Type of Activity: Processing Cards Props Needed: My Family Your Family Picture Cards Process: Beautifully illustrated family member portraits are perfect for learning about relationships,
Type of Activity: Frontloading and Processing Props Needed: None Set-Up: No special space requirements. Works well with up to 15 in a group for 20
Mood Dudes Type of Activity: Processing, Diversity, Feeling Recognition Set Up: Have the squeezable Mood Dude and/or Emoticon faces available. Depending on the activity, they
Making Predictions of the Future Type of Activity: Processing Sometimes it is easier to find what you are looking for when you know exactly what
Metaphor Cards/Feeling Cards Metaphor Cards are reflective tools that use metaphors or symbols to represent participants’ reactions to an experience. These cards are useful as
Type of Activity: Processing, Reflection This popular activity is a perfect way for participants to engage in self-reflection long after the program is complete. Props
Type of Activity: Processing, Front-Loading Props Needed: A long rope, at least 3/8 inch diameter. Many hardware stores sell colorful, inexpensive rope. You need about
Type of Activity: Processing Concept: To have each group write down the foundations of learning they had during the program and build a card castle.
Type of Activity: Processing Props Needed: Index cards with processing questions written on them, or blank index cards and pens for the participants to come
Type of Activity: Frontloading and Processing Props Needed: None Set Up: Need “sitting around” space. Works well with 6 to 25 participants for 15 to
Hollywood Clapboard Set Up: None (you might want to have your group in a circle, depending on which variation you use). Props Needed: A movie
Impression Feet and Hands Type of Activity: Processing Set Up: Have the group sit in a circle, with a pile of Impression Feet in the
Type of Activity: Processing, Quantifying the Experience Props Needed: A simple dial board for each metric or a paper illustration of a blank dial for
Type of Activity: Processing, Debrief Tool Props Needed: The Debriefing Thumball™ Set-Up: The Debriefing Thumball™ was designed to help facilitators ask debriefing questions in a